Monday, September 30, 2013


As predicted by Oxey, Sumlin is on USC's wishlist.  Dang.  Please, KS, stay with us a little longer.

I was glad to see that the Ags could run a bit......used the run to great effect on Saturday----offset the rain, kept the Hogs offense off the field, continued to score.  Same ole story, though:  offense, yes; defense, no.

* Homage to Breaking Bad, which concluded last night.  Great show.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Boo Boo Boo--P-U-TO-U-T-U

Now THIS is funny:

Variations on a Theme

Fans of the t.v. show The Wire (best show EVER) may recall a scene from an early episode where the dialogue consisted of variations of the f-word.  That was it:  variations of the f-word, the entire scene.
So, that pretty much describes my reaction to the Aggie loss on Saturday.  Effing effed-up effity eff!

As feared, the defense wasn't up to the task and, give Alabama credit, its offense exploited our defensive weaknesses, at will.  Honestly, it was hard to watch.  PLEASE, SOMEONE, MAKE AN EFFING PLAY!

Lesson:  we simply CANNOT make any mistakes on offense.  Unfortunately, we made two on Saturday and those two were the difference in the game. We should have won that effing game (see what I just have to cuss it out).  I can't decide if the first int was JFF's fault or not.  Didn't look to me like the receiver made a very good effort, but the ball was overthrown.  Still not quite sure what happened on the second one, other than the fact that the defender made a tremendous play running it back.

Mike Evans was a him and JFF was great but for...

Someone needs to beat Bama, which  is doable. But as Oxey says, if we can't play decent D, we don't deserve to be contending for the big prize.  We have SMU, Arkansas, and Ole Miss on the horizon.  We should beat SMU and Arkansas (I think....I don't know what the Hogs are up to this year).
Don't know much about Ole Miss but if the Rebels have any offense, we again will need to score LOTS of points.

Oh, well.  Still love the Ags, always will, remain proud of the no-quit effort, hopeful for the remainder of the season.  BUT....we should have won that effing game.  Effing gig em.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gig em, please!

Thanks to Ohfor for this link to a super article about the upcoming game. 

I am worried about the defense ....glad we are playing at home.

As for last week:
Illinois beat Cincinnati .....congrats to Drumski.
USC lost to the Leaches......YAY!'
UT lost, giving up the most running yards in the history of ever....exit Manny D.
Georgia looked surprisingly good;  I still don't like Spurrier;  OSU has some 'splaining to do.

Friday, September 6, 2013

"D" GETS "F"

One week into the new season and I already am sick of JFF. (See the cover of Time magazine) From this point forward, I only am going to comment on his performance on the field, excluding trash-talking.  Against Rice, I thought he looked good.  Yay.

And now, for the rest of the story:  WHAT THE !!!! ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THE DEFENSE?  That was Fugly with a capital "F".  I loathe the 3-man front, which worked not at all.  Where are our daylight pistol-whippers and BAMFs?  It was hard to watch.

Not that anyone cares, but I vow to do a little better on the posting.  Hope to do some predictions and name some bloviating gasbag (BG) nominees.  Speaking of which, I heard a little of the radio broadcast of the Aggie game and was reminded how truly awful Dave South is.  Here is a sample:  "Johnny is in the shotgun at the forty yard line and now he has the ball.  Oh, there is a man open and IT IS A CATCH.  Ok. Looks like a first down.  Johnny is in the shotgun at the 8 yard line....(time passes)...Touchdown!  At that brings us to the end of the half.  Stayed tuned for this message from Jolene's House of  Crawdads, located in downtown Bryan".   Honestly, I believe I could do a better job.   He isn't a BG, however.  He just isn't any good.  All hail mediocrity. 

Apropos of nothing,  Oxey and I were talking about the Georgia-Clemson game.  We agreed that the 3 teams who never fail to disappoint are Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas.  All recruit great atheletes but as teams, they just never seem to be as good as they should be.