By the time the A&M-Florida game began on Saturday afternoon, I had worked myself into a total frenzy of anxiety and, I admit it, hope. Why, oh why, did I listen to the "experts" (thanks for that, Drumski) or friends (Brenblas)? Oh, well.
As for the game, I was impressed by Manziel and the players on offense. I was surprised that the defense hung in, but fear for the future on that front. I was disappointed, however, that our coaches weren't able to respond to the adjustments that Florida made on defense in the second half. As Oxey noted, once Florida realized that we never threw up the middle, it shut down the sidelines and we were done. I sure wish we had not had to cancel the opener.
I still predict 6-6. And when we play Bama, I am going to relive the 1968 Cotton Bowl in my head.